Origin of Pizza and Spaghetti - Marco Polo in China | Triple Slow Cookers                                                                   

Origin of Pizza and Spaghetti - Marco Polo in China

Pizza is one of the more beloved foods among American children. They gobble up pizza like anything. As a result, there have been some chains to offer pizza to consumers: Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza, slight Caesar's, Papa Johns, etc.

Pizza is even enamored by whole cities such as Chicago with their predominant "Chicago Deep Dish" pizza. We have all come to learn that pizza originates from Italy. But it was not advanced in Italy out of nowhere but rather inspired by China.

Triple Slow Cookers

Spaghetti, in fact, has its roots from China. While they eat noodles in China, it turned into spaghetti in Italy with the expanding of tomato sauce.

Marco Polo also brought back with him a flat bread shaped food item. This, by many accounts, have been come to known as pizza.

Societies have a long history of borrowing from each other. When one community creates something of value, it is often borrowed and modified by other nations. In fact, most of American culture was borrowed by our European forefathers. Hamburgers came from Germany and pizza came from Italy.

Innovation was one of the most achievements of man. Other species of animals tend to copy what their parents did to a tee. Instead, humans look to go out of the box and do things differently. This has allowed the human community to progress in a great way.

Trial and error with respect to foods is important to the evolution of food. In fact, if you go to any major fair these days, you will have the occasion to eat friend Twinkies.

Origin of Pizza and Spaghetti - Marco Polo in China


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